
LOOK WHO’S FOLLOWING US! Could it be the campus atheists?


Years ago in Taiwan some of our missionaries were impressed by a
painting on the wall of the Buddhist hospital that showed a Buddha surrounded
by children and a caption that reminded us of Jesus’ welcome to children in the
New Testament. Perhaps some older readers will recall the Hindu groups, like
the Hare Krishna people, handing out their “gospel” tracts in public places during
the 60’s. Now it’s worth noting what the campus atheists and humanists at the
University of Minnesota are doing. Since I’m on their mailing list I get their regular
notices, two of which will no doubt interest you who read my newsletter.

Thursday, March 3rd, 7pm – 9pm at Amundson Hall B75
“This week we are welcoming everyone from all
theological backgrounds to come and learn more about
atheists. We want to hear your questions and be
able to answer them, candidly, to clear up any
misconceptions about atheists that you may have. We will
have a panel of an undergraduate student, a graduate
student, and esteemed professor and atheist blogger PZ
Myers available to answer your questions.”

Still they do have a different agenda from ours as the following makes perfectly clear:

Thursday, February 24, 7pm – 9pm at Coffman Union
“This will be a fun event where we “debaptise” anyone
who was baptized as a child, at an age when they were
unable to understand what was going on or make the
choice for themselves. We’ll discuss how children are
taught religion and have some fun undoing Catholic
sacraments!  After we will go out for food and drink.”

We must have done something right in how we have evangelized over that past
decades, but here is THE question. Was it our clever methods or was it God who
brought people to himself? When others copy the methods we used in the past, God
will, no doubt, lead us into other new, creative ways of making him known. That is the kind of
God we have. He is always in the lead. He asks us to follow him and trust his leading into the unknown.

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