
The Illusive Goal of Equality


I just finished participation in a study group that read the book, The Blank Slate Steven Pinker. In this book Dr. Pinker, an atheist, demonstrates just how unscientific most liberal sociology of the 1960’s was, being prejudiced by the scientists’ political agendas. Any conclusions that supported “equality” were deemed scientific, and any research that pointed to possible problems with how “equality” was defined was automatically rejected. Governed by their notions of political equality, their research and conclusions were skewed. Pinker believes in social equality, but proposes those same values would be better served by doing better science.

It’s always fun now and then in academia to watch a young atheist knock the old atheists down. Karl Marx, of course, made the same mistake. His atheistic, scientific socialism has fallen apart due to it’s proven failure; however his egalitarian ideals are still powerfully with us. His theory of equality resulted in tyranny when put into practice, the opposite of what was promised.

Capitalism also seeks equality, but defines equality differently. While Communism sought to eliminate economic competition, capitalism makes competition the foundation of equality. Everyone is supposedly given an equal right to compete for resources. But in the end unrestrained capitalism creates inequality. As industry becomes more efficient, competition for jobs increases. Then as wages drop and profits grow, competitive advantage grows at one end while inequality spreads at the other. The very opposite occurs from what was promised. This also is tyranny—the very opposite of what was promised.

Pinker laments the poor science that comes out of politically motivated research. Followers of Christ also need to lament the poor exegesis of scripture that results when social projects and political agendas drive the study of scripture. Whether the goal is to maintain the status quo or to create new social arrangements, the danger lies on both sides. “The rich and poor meet together. The Lord made them all” (Proverbs 22:2) What they share in common is the Lord, and when they meet together in the name of the Lord, all needs of all people are met. If this doesn’t happen, we can be sure the Lord skipped the meeting. No doubt, someone forgot to invite him. Apart from the Lord, all human social engineering seems to bring the exact opposite of what was promised.

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