
Buddha and the Mysticism of John 14-17

Copyright August 2006 By Philip E. Friesen Translating Across Religious Cultures Part I Buddha and the Mysticism of John 14-17 INTRODUCTION One day in about 1985 I was discussing religion with my Chinese language tutor. She said to me, “I truly admire you Christians for all the good things you do. I would really like to have the power to do the many good things that you do.” I...

Discussion on Homosexual Marriage and the Issue of Inclusion

Areas of Investigation (1) Marriage (2) The place of science in the discussion (3) Inclusion Definition of Marriage Can a same sex relationship qualify as marriage? It appears that a gigantic paradigm shift has taken place in terms of how westerners think about marriage. While there appears to have been homosexual people in homosexual relationships in all places at all times of recorded history, no...

Do Not Pray for This People

DO NOT PRAY FOR THIS PEOPLE A Mennonite Reflects on God and Country in an Election Year Philip E. Friesen ‘Do not pray for this people, do not raise a cry or prayer on their behalf, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you.” Jeremiah 7:16 ‘Do not pray for this people, do not raise a cry or prayer on their behalf, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you.” ...

Jesus, Moses, and (the) Bush

Jesus, Moses, and (the) Bush A Drama on the Right to Bear Arms George Bush supporter comes marching in carrying either a rifle, or a large poster with photos of tanks and missiles on parade. Supporter: Hear O Israel!  These are the gods that brought you out from slavery to King George and chased out the British redcoats, destroyed Hitler’s ambitions, and defeated communism. Pacifist: That’s...

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