Currently Browsing: Philip E. Friesen


A recent article by Darrin Belousek in the Mennonite Quarterly Review prompted the following.  Darrin challenges the notion, popular with pacifists, that claims God is a nonviolent God. Instead Darrin suggests that God has a right to, well, be violent. God has a right to give life and to take it. We, on the other hand do not. Divine being and Divine prerogatives are not the same thing. In the incarnation...

The Cross (presented at the Islamic Center Apr 6

THE CRUCIFIXION             In a mysterious and inexplicable way, the cross of Jesus’ crucifixion is the key to reconciliation and peace on earth. This is not something we can explain, but something we have accepted and come to know as our experience of God. For us, this is the good news of God in Jesus, Messiah. 1.       JESUS REVEALS GOD. Jesus reveals in real life what God is like-...

Died in Russia, Resurrected in Germany

Full Churches in Europe We think of Europe as a land of empty cathedrals, but there are also full churches in Europe—immigrant churches. Among the immigrants to Germany are up to 100,000 new Mennonite arrivals from Russia, according to the March 17 issue of Mennonite World Review. People long thought dead and hidden from the world screen for more than half a century since Stalin’s purges—these people...

Public Taxes for National Sin

Last evening I heard William Cavanaugh from De Paul University speak on Religious Freedom and the Security State. According to Cavanaugh, the security state in which we live defines religion as a sacred right of every individual, but it must be kept individual. Religion must not impinge in any way upon government, economics, education, or any aspect of “secular” life. Religion is but one...

Muslim Christian Dialogue on Answering Atheism

  A Christian Response to Atheism for Muslim Christian Dialogue. Islamic Center Fridley, MN February 2, 2013   There are three references to atheism in the Bible that define what an atheist believes and does as follows:   Psalm 10:4 The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him. All his thoughts are, “There is no God.” This verse could be read to mean: A...

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