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Point of Disorientation

Let us keep our eyes on Jesus & the light he is. Everything else is darkness. If our thoughts are fundamentally oriented around winning arguments, elections, or bonuses, finding bargains, advantages, or privileges, we walk in darkness and do not know where we are going.  

Psalm 91 on War & Ethnic Cleansing

ETHNIC CLEANSING, WAR, AND PLAGUE David, the Psalmist, wrote, “A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you (from Psalm 91).” The statement describes the feelings of a lone survivor after a battle or the event of a plague. It is a Biblical promise for God’s servants, but the real intent of the promise is to keep us from the power of sin over...

Kookaburra paraphrase of the Baptizer’s Sermon

– Bible Reading – 
 Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 – The activities of John the Baptiser struck a chord with the deep yearning for a national saviour, and people began to speculate that perhaps John might be the one who God had chosen. John was quick to hose down such ideas, saying, “I’m only baptising you with water. The One who is coming is way out of my league — the chance to polish his...

Found Old Treasure for the New Year

On New Year’s Eve we met for prayer A younger sister’s prayer brought to mind long forgotten lyrics by Stuart Hamblen The  story of this song is found at http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/s/stuarthamblin.htm The chimes of time ring out the news, Another day is through. Someone slipped and fell. Was that someone you? You may have longed for added strength, Your courage to renew. Do not be...

Visitors to a Christian(?) Country- a few thoughts

Note to Friend following a welcome event for arriving foreign students- Last night was also a good thing, and we did get a good crowd. There was one thing in your presentation that I thought was confusing. 1. First there were these wonderful testimonies from internationals who, when coming here, found America to be so much less than a godly place. Here they met real temptations they hadn’t faced at...

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